Tag Archive | mayans

Enough Is Enough – Mooclef

Many of us were convinced that the world was going to end in 2012. Some dude in China was even building some tsunami-proof survival pods just to be on the safe side! (http://rt.com/news/apocalypse-china-survival-pods-004/)

But Mooclef is looking at things from a different point of view and wants to spread a peaceful message served with a smile – good on him!


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Earth Message Press

Messages of love and guidance channelled by Kay Meade from a group of beings in the higher spiritual realms who call themselves 'The Circle of The Light of The Love Energy".

The Shift of Time and Energy!

A blog to take you deeper into understanding what is happening on earth, and how to move thru it with ease and grace!

Iamforchange's Blog

Positive growth and change in our world


In wonder


My Insane Sanity

Higher Density Blog

Love Is Always The Answer


A deep inquisition in to all that is and all that is not...

Blazing Light, Love's Song

Sparks of Awareness

Malcolm's Corner

Wealth related issues in the broadest sense of the word.

The Earthbound Report

Good lives on our one planet


Plant-based food and fitness for life

Fresh Nibbles

Tiny bits of wisdom for a healthy lifestyle!


My quest to feel good, be fit and have fun